Arkansas Laws
Navigating Arkansas Stalking Regulations: Guide

Navigating Arkansas Stalking Regulations: Guide

While the term “stalking” lacks a universally recognized definition, the very mention of the word “stalker” evokes specific mental imagery for the majority. At its core, “stalking” alludes to a behavior marked by predation, encompassing a myriad of intimidating actions that instill fear in the target individual.

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Delineating Stalking: A Nuanced Definition

Stalkers employ a variety of tools and tactics to intimidate, threaten, and terrorize:

  • Telecommunications;
  • Digital devices (including internet and emails);
  • Unsolicited presents;
  • Persistent tracking (on foot or via transportation means);
  • Unwanted visits to the victim’s residence or workplace;
  • Property destruction.

The Various Degrees of Stalking Offenses

Stalking – First Degree:

Involves a deliberate series of actions causing another individual to fear for their well-being, particularly when:

  • Breaching a Protection Order;
  • Possessing prior convictions related to stalking;
  • Possessing or claiming to possess a lethal weapon.

This offense is categorized as a Class C felony under A.C.A. §5-71-229(a).

Stalking – Second Degree:

Occurs when an individual purposefully harasses another, making threats severe enough to instill fear of mortal harm or significant bodily injury, directed at the victim or their family members. It’s a Class D felony as per A.C.A. §5-71-229(b).

Stalking – Third Degree:

It is the deliberate act of inducing fear in another for their safety or that of others. Refer to A.C.A. §5-71-229(c) for further details.

Preventative Measures Against Stalking

  • Enhance home security with deadbolts; replace locks if key whereabouts are uncertain;
  • Avoid displaying phone numbers on social platforms;
  • Always report suspicious calls;
  • Treat all threats with seriousness;
  • Regularly update trusted contacts about your whereabouts;
  • Maintain varying routines; minimize outdoor excursions;
  • Alert neighbors and coworkers about potential threats;
  • Employ call screening at work;
  • Prioritize public places and avoid solitary outings.

Characteristics of Stalkers and Victims

Stalking tendencies can manifest in individuals from varied socio-economic backgrounds. While crafting a universal profile for stalkers is challenging, prevalent shared characteristics include an obsession with media, difficulty in forging genuine relationships, and a longing for recognition.

Victim statistics, according to a 2010 Department of Justice report, indicate that roughly 5.1 million women and 1.4 million men were stalked in the U.S. Predominantly, victims are acquainted with their stalkers, being ex-partners, colleagues, or neighbors. However, some cases involve public figures or complete strangers.

Protocol for Reporting Stalking Incidents

If stalked, report immediately to local law enforcement, documenting every incident in detail. Key information to remember and report:

  • Nature, timing, and method of threats;
  • Descriptions of the stalker and potential witnesses.

Upon complaint filing, local law enforcement can issue an arrest warrant. Subsequent to an arrest, legal proceedings like arraignments ensue, potentially resulting in protective orders or mandatory mental evaluations for the defendant.

Legal Outcomes and Remedies

Civilly, protection or no-contact orders can be obtained, especially in cases involving former relationships. On the criminal front, the legal consequences range from Class B felonies for first-degree stalking to Class A misdemeanors for third-degree stalking.

Key Terms and Their Definitions

  • Course of conduct: A series of actions, involving at least two occurrences within a year, spaced out by a minimum of 36 hours;
  • Harassment: Unwarranted physical interactions or threats, obscene gestures or words, or unwanted persistence in personal spaces;
  • Terroristic threatening: Deliberate intimidation by threatening life, grave bodily harm, or significant property damage;
  • Immediate family: Close kin including spouses, parents, children, or those related by marriage or blood up to the second degree, as well as current or recent cohabitants;
  • Defenses: Certain professionals, when acting within their official duties, might be exempted from stalking accusations.

The Psychological Impact of Stalking on Victims

Stalking not only poses a direct threat to the physical safety of victims but also takes a significant toll on their mental and emotional well-being. Victims often report feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and constant fear. The unpredictability of a stalker’s actions can leave victims in a perpetual state of alertness, leading to sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Furthermore, the isolation victims experience can exacerbate these feelings. Friends and family might not fully grasp the severity of the situation, suggesting victims are overreacting or misinterpreting actions. Such responses can deter victims from seeking the support they desperately need. To truly assist those affected, it’s crucial to understand the multi-faceted impact of stalking and the need for comprehensive care, including counseling and support groups, in addition to legal measures.

The Role of Technology in Modern Stalking Cases

In the digital age, technology offers stalkers an expansive toolkit. Cyberstalking has emerged as a prevalent issue in recent years. Through platforms like social media, email, and other online avenues, stalkers can infiltrate the lives of their victims from afar, often in anonymity. Such actions include sending threatening messages, spreading false information, or tracking a victim’s location via shared data.

But technology isn’t just a weapon for stalkers—it’s also a defense tool. Victims can use technology to gather evidence against their harassers, such as by recording unwanted phone calls or screenshotting threatening messages. Additionally, many apps and devices now offer enhanced privacy settings or features that alert users to potential tracking. Understanding the role of technology in both the perpetration and prevention of stalking is essential for both law enforcement and potential victims. As technology continues to advance, so too will the methods of those who misuse it, making continuous education and vigilance vital.


Awareness and understanding of the comprehensive stalking laws in Arkansas are paramount for ensuring personal safety and the well-being of the community. Whether you’re a potential victim or an advocate for safety, being informed is the first step toward a safer society.

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